
The past few months and time between writing my last post has been filled with lots of ups, downs, busyness, trials, challenges, realisations and of course more redefining of my life as I know it.

Im trying to muster up the courage to share the issues I’m working on through my blog- When I first started this blog I wanted to share about my journey but in an inspiring way- now however I want to share my journey, the past and the present- warts and all with the hope that doing this helps me to grow as a person, to live a better quality of life with more freedom,  to revisit what I write at a later date and the biggest bonus will be if someone else finds some comfort or something helpful from the sharing of my journey

thats all for now 😅😁

Power in words

This past week has bombarded me with a theme of messages- there’s power in the words you speak over your life, there’s power in the tongue, what you say has the ability to help somebody rise up or to completely knock them down. On social media, tv, radio- this message has been unavoidable.

So after hearing this message for the fifth time in the same day, I started to really think about what this means for me right now

I came to the conclusion that these messages have been repetitive in the hope that I will try to

  • Be kinder to others with the words I speak- whilst keeping emotions under control 
  • Value myself and my role of a mother far more than I have been 
  • Use my words to boost my children, my family, my friends whenever we interact
  • Praise god for his goodness and for heaven, regardless of the circumstances around me in the natural fallen world 

So thank god for his unconditional love and the strength he can happily provide anyone, who like me is aiming to utilise the power of their words 

Life changing dream

A pivotal moment in my life that I never want to forget is when I was blessed with an instant miracle. Recently (sept/oct) I had a dream like no other- I was in front of these amazing ethereal type beings and I felt nervous and scared but not frightened. All of a sudden my heart was ripped out and passed around the many “beings”- disgusting black/grey soot and smoke came out of my heart as it was passed around. “These are of the devil”- I could hear them say and I knew they meant the feelings I was holding in my heart. Once they had finished transforming my heart it was put back inside me and when I woke up the next day I felt different- the feelings I use to harbour of jealousy, envy, anger, despair, sadness because all of my children are affected by autism has gone. The numerous limitations I had placed on myself because of these debilitating feelings has gone. Kororia ki te atua (glory to God).

me me me me me :)

The purpose of my blog is to be able to have a place to write down my thoughts- in all their honesty, and I hope those who read it can relate in their own way to my journey. Also, I would love for readers to share in my newly founded belief that “YOU can live a life where YOU thrive regardless of your circumstances”.

Some minor details-

My name is JaimeeRae and I am :

  • a solo mum to three beautiful boys – (diagnosed with autism 😦 ),
  • a “new” Christian -(IMPORTANT NOTE- I am about relationship NOT religion)
  • of Maori and Niuean descent – (I have so much to learn about both of these cultures that make up who I am)

Thanks for reading